Boredom drove me to do this.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
i wish i had monkey.
what's that one asian hairstyle where the bangs are grown out really long but everything underneath is shaved? some unknown force inside of me wants to kick every guy's ass who has that hairstyle.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
why haven't i updated? cause it's been boring. i don't go out to because i'm poor. so i stay inside. not much happens inside except for tv and the internet. whoo. tomorrow is
harold's birthday. so if you see him, kick him in the nuts for me. not much else i can say right now except i learned a new word..."veridical." it means genuine.
here's some AIM banter that's only funny to me:
O Kay Prime (07:08:53 PM): bastard ass fuck faces
fireloong (07:09:14 PM): bastard ass jello eating lemon wedge in my brain faces
fireloong (07:09:44 PM): OOH
fireloong (07:09:46 PM): the women of iceland
O Kay Prime (07:09:52 PM): where where?
miStReSS maHn 3 (01:40:08 AM): asian dudes dont all have small penises
miStReSS maHn 3 (01:40:11 AM): ther eare exceptions
miStReSS maHn 3 (01:40:17 AM): whots considered small actually
Fireloong (01:40:20 AM): THANKS
Fireloong (01:40:24 AM): exceptions...eesh
miStReSS maHn 3 (01:40:26 AM): is 7 in ?
miStReSS maHn 3 (01:40:29 AM): small
Fireloong (01:40:31 AM): fuck
FootPrintX (12:48:56 PM): i like the word "effluvia"
fireloong (12:49:01 PM): what does it mean?
FootPrintX (12:49:21 PM): an invisible emanation, a by-product in the form of waste.
FootPrintX (12:49:28 PM): the leftovers.
fireloong (12:49:55 PM): what a pretty synonym for crap
Sunday, July 28, 2002
i had one of those ack! moments today. david said i became The Flash. damn straight i become The Flash when something like that happens. why is chinatown always so crowded? damn. and i'd like to reiterate how damn cool batman is. yes.
Saturday, July 27, 2002
goldmember is damn funny. not as good as the first two but it's still a lot better than a lot of movies out there. i haven't laughed that hard in a while. it's all about a threesome with japanese twins. mmmm....japanese twins.
"it's like a kickstand!"
"my neck looks like a vagina!"
Friday, July 26, 2002
why does the future have to feel so...CLOSE?
Thursday, July 25, 2002
things that have been going on:
1) i'm starting to remember my dreams now. well, it's more like i'm starting to wake up with a vague feeling that i dreamt. i used to wake up and feel as if i had entered darkness and then woken up. i think this is a by product of me making a conscious effort to join humanity again.
2) my AIM conversations are getting weirder and weirder. here's a sample:
fireloong (01:38:48 AM): clit = hamster?
FootPrintX (01:39:20 AM): whoa, weird hamster nexus in my AIM conversations.
fireloong (01:39:25 AM): ?
FootPrintX (01:39:27 AM): i said "clit = hamster"
FootPrintX (01:39:36 AM): in that it moves around and is hard to find.
FootPrintX (01:39:47 AM): and then Lisa said, "Ed got a hamster"
fireloong (01:40:01 AM):
FootPrintX (01:40:03 AM): and then Cindy said "brb - gonna go brush my teeth" but two out of three is still pretty good.
odd eh?
3) is there an AIM Anonymous? no, really.
4) i need to talk to more people. especially cute girls. my social life is dwindling. i fear that if i don't use my mouth more often, it'll close up from lack of use.
5) next volume of DK2 comes out on the 31st. yay.
6) oh shit. it was my mom's birthday yesterday and i forgot to call. DUMBASS.
7) need to readjust my sleeping habits so i don't fall asleep in cogsci lecture. anyone have tips?
8) i am BATMAN.
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
i'm irked, bordering on pissed. i shouldn't be though since i'm listening to one of my favorite albums (Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band). but i am. why? well, i could get really personal but i won't. people ask me for advice. "why can't i find a boyfriend/girlfriend?" "why can't i get a blowjob?" "what's 2+2?" most of the time, i give them answer and that suffices. but sometimes i hear the same questions over and over. and i give the same advice. sometimes it seems like people don't actually want to solve their problem but would rather stay in the complaining stage and not do anything about it. it's not a happy state but at least it's well known. "why can't utopia exist? because no one would have anything to complain about." i think jonathan snipes said that. don't remember exactly. i know i'm guilty of such behavior. but i've realized that i need to move on. life is fleeting. i might as well take a few shots instead of sitting on my ass and complain. other people should too.
motherfucking bear suit jello pudding stain on the carpet damnit it to hell.
Saturday, July 20, 2002
what the hell's wrong with you patrick!?!? it's saturday night and you're watching a rerun of SNL while eating spaghetti-o's and hash browns! can you say COMPLETE LOSER? YES.
Friday, July 19, 2002
cibo matto rules. too bad they're on indefinite hiatus. smokey and miho are playing at Bottom of the Hill in a week. but i'm not 21. feck.
Thursday, July 18, 2002
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
i've been pondering how much i've changed since high school. sometimes, i put some serious thought into it. i'll hear bits and pieces of news from old friends. "she got chubbier. he got married. yeah, so and so are going to get married next summer. she has a boyfriend now, who wudda thunk it? she broke up with so and so. he's a vegetarian now. he started eating meat again. she's like way thinner. yeah, has a kid now." then i think "what the hell have i done?" and as of right now, the only big change is that i've started wearing jeans again (last known sighting of patrick wearing jeans was in middle school). according to most people, i look the same. for most people, it's like "oh yeah, she just BLEW UP" or "she's tiny!" but for me it's "oh, patrick, you look the same." i think i'll go shave my head in the form of a smiley face.
i was perusing through My Pictures folder and found this. i was looking at the
GR webcam and saw this. i thought it was hilarious.
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
is this my first post from work? i don't remember. oh well, i shall it deem it so. anyway, just wanted to say that the macintosh version of AIM looks better than the windows version. man, i'd kill for an ibook or a tibook right now. really.
while the frozen teriyaki snack is cooking in the microwave, i shall update me blog. i have a question. why is it that women are really comfortable with talking about their private stuff with me? especially their sex lives. like wth. man, it's strange. must be the patty thing. or that i seem like i can keep a secret. i could make so much money blackmailing peoples' parents. hehe. i'm evil.
batman: the dark knight returns rules.
awww. this is a funny
site. am i just being cruel?
Sunday, July 14, 2002
so yeah. it's been a long weekend. so i come back home on friday because we're hosting a dinner party with some old floormates. nancy's boiling a pot of oil so she can cook some matza balls. the lid is on the pot. something tells me something's not right. i'm asked to check the pot. i open the lid and WHOOSH. fire! me, aaron, and nancy freak. the smart thing would have been to put the lid back on or pour baking soda. but no, we were panicking and thus being stupid. the fire alarm goes off. ah! we run outside and find a fire extinguisher. aaron breaks the glass with his hand (not the smartest thing to do...sense a theme?). i use up the fire extinguisher. no good. keeps coming back! the apartment is smoky and filled with dry chem. eventually the fire dept. comes and puts the lid back on the pot. DUH. the apartment is a complete mess. dry chem is everywhere. we've been told not to sleep there for the night cause of the fine particles. we're hungry. but it wasn't all that bad. we got to meet our neighbors in apartment F. they're cool guys. me and aaron have dinner with them at viceroy's down the street. it's good (but a tad expensive). take aaron to the ER in Richmond afterwards...wait there for 2 hours and eventually leave cause his injuries are minor compared to the 3 stab wound victims that came in after us. that's Richmond for you. we go back, kick it in apartment F for a while. i have a beer. i still don't like beer. bleh. we go to nancy's apartment and drink our sorrws away. well, i just got buzzed. but we needed it.
the next galore! me, aaron, and nancy clean from 2pm to 2am and stop only twice to have a drink and eat dinner. EVERYTHING HAD TO BE WIPED DOWN. including the fucking ceiling. one hell of a weekend. on the plus side, our apartment is really looking good.
Thursday, July 11, 2002
man, i just watched the funniest movie in a long time. it's called
La Brassiere. hong kong film. had to read the subtitles. yeah yeah, chinese school taught me nothing. anyway, it's about this bra company that hires two men to help them design the ULTIMATE BRA. hilarity ensues. the best part was at the beginning where the two guys walk into their new workplace and start mentally zapping all the hot asian women in the room. that's right. hot asian women. in bras. and slapstick comedy. how much better can it get? i know i'll be hearing from nemo about this.
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
it's been a really random day. i dreamt about this girl that i was sorta involved with in high school (long distance thing...long's boring). that resulted in me waking up with a WTF feeling. then there was a power outage at Tolman today. you try navigating dark hallways. it's creepy in that resident evil sort of way. i also found out that my friend anna is partcipating in the
miss asian america pageant. i didn't see that one coming. i dunno if i should go. opinions? i know nemo wants to go cause there'll be asian chicks there.
Sunday, July 07, 2002
my stomach still feels sorta queasy. guess why? i should have used my 5 day weekend to catch up/get ahead in my CogSci class but i didn't. holiday + friday + weekend = laziness. did you know that the
BART opens at 8 on sundays. i was always used to the 4am thing. damn. anyway, harold left so there's no longer this thing sleeping in my living room and playing Metroid II on his GBA. hehe. i had a dream that right after i got the
Fruits book, everyone else would buy one too and it'd lose its neato cool factor. too bad i don't have dreams like
Saturday, July 06, 2002
no, this update does not involve half naked asian chicks or pornography. sorry that i have to disappoint you all. perhaps next time. anyway, i bought a t-shirt today that just appealed to the inner geek within me (and the outer one too). shiny. darth vader. black. star wars. how could i resist? IT WAS SHINY!
Friday, July 05, 2002
hehe. why yes, yes i do. (note: the pop-up actually came up when i was looking at
voodooextreme. of course, NONE of you will believe that)
by the way, FIREWORKS KICK ASS. also, ten fingers is probably the best game on the planet to get to know the real nitty-gritty about people (which you can use against them at a later time...hehe). i was the first one out...that's never happened to me before. the world is coming to an end.
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
so yeah. harold sent me a link to
asiangurlz. i perused it. found this pic:
i hope i get some flak for this. but seeing that only one female reads this site (though everyone accuses nancy of being a lesbian), i'll probably get yays. the people who have a thing for asian chicks will enjoy this (yeah, that's you neama). hey, if posting pics of hot asian chicks helps with the hits, then i plead guilty (thanks yum). anyway, bring on the flak!
Monday, July 01, 2002
i know this blog is called pattyson airplane but i'd like people to stop calling me patty. it was cute before but now it just sucks. hurts my game. for example, i'll go to a party and someone will introduce me as patty in front of a cute chick. total shutdown. dead in the water. no chance. that's when i start heading for the vodka...
in other news, i have no idea why my grandpa's ear has a huge ass cut in it and why part of my grandma's finger is missing. then again, i don't know the actual names of my grandparents. funny how asian families work like that. i should dig up the stories sometime...
05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002
06/01/2002 - 07/01/2002
07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002
08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002
09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002
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11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003
01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003
02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003
03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004