Boredom drove me to do this.
Sunday, June 30, 2002
oh my god. i just saw minority report. brilliant. and the technology! man, i feel like crap TYPING out this blog on a KEYBOARD. i want those glove thingies. i want my computer to be made out of glass. great plot too. damn.
Saturday, June 29, 2002
kicking back with a juice squeeze and listening to the
queens of the stone age album. i love this album. it'd be better if i was drinking alcohol instead but i'll settle for the juice squeeze. this will be a primarily random update so bear with me.
ode to burger king: so i'm gone from berkeley for a month and they close down the burger king on university. wtf. man, i have so many fond memories of that place, even though i've lived in my apartment for a year. 99 cent whoppers after 8pm (i'd hold out eating dinner until 8 so i could get them). double cheeseburgers for 99 cents or a regular cheeseburger for 49 cents. drinking an orange juice and apple juice while watching the rain. this was to relieve a hangover from a party the previous night at tracy's. i felt queesy for a good portion of the day. i'm sorry that burger king has to go. you will be missed by all (or just me). i hope they put a jack in a box there or an in-n-out. that'd rock.
neama's hair: neama cut his hair. to people who know neama, this is fucking amazing.
before and
after. you be the judge. i think it's better shorter.
the game: i'd like to get back into the game. anyone have pointers? it seems like everyone i know is already retiring while i'm try to get at bat. help.
Friday, June 28, 2002
i haven't updated for a while. sue me. back to work and classes. my class, Cognitive Science 1, is um, yeah. seems wishy washy to me. i'm off to a good start - assigned a week's worth of reading and i still haven't done it. yay. i'm really tired so leave me alone.
what would your last meal be?
Sunday, June 23, 2002
so much to say. but i'm not planning on saying much. it's been about a week since i've touched a computer so this feels weird. i'm also really really really tired. going from seattle to berkeley in 13 hours straight does that to you. that was one hell of a roadtrip. i laughed my ass off, stared at sights so wonderful that i lost my breath, contemplated life in general, and discovered a few things about myself. for one thing, my eyes are really messed up. sorry doug and ian that i didn't drive as much as i should have. i'd like to think i made up for it with my random banter. anyway, i didn't get a picture of a sea lion orgy (saw one in SF off Pier 13 but i think there are always sea lions doing it there) but i got pictures of a whole lot of other things and didn't get pictures of a lot of other things. the camera can only capture so much.
highlights (in no particular order):
1. the rainbow that greeted us when we finally arrived in seattle. it was huge.
2. the speeding ticket doug right outside of seattle cause he was going 75 in a 60 zone.
3. sleeping in the van. BAD IDEA.
4. jeep chick. french chick. all the really hot chicks in victoria.
5. watching the sunset at gasworks park in seattle. the sun bounced right off the buildings downtown and created a path of light right on the water. beautiful. awe inspiring.
6. kicking it with doug and ian on top of grouse mountain in vancouver with a few beers. go canada and its legal drinking age.
7. the vancouver aquarium in stanley park. animals rule us all.
8. bc ferries. long ass waits. but worth it.
9. country cottage somewhere in the middle of oregon. we called it "satan's cottage." it was creepy. like a white person's grandma's house on crack. everyone was 3x our age. except for the immensely fat dude wearing the sleeveless shirt. (shudders). afterwards, proceeded to the outlet mall across the freeway. i never knew a banana republic store would feel so good.
10. chasing the moon along the way to berkeley.
11. my random comments.
after the speeding ticket, i saw a cute little dog in the back of a truck and thought...
"i bet if we had a cute little dog, we wouldn't have gotten pulled over."
when sheena told us that she didn't know if it was alright for any of us to sleep in her roommate's bed
"we won't do anything in her bed."
walking back from gasworks and we were randomly discussing the term "third leg"
"i think i heard it on KROQ once when they were talking about what if charlize theron posed in playboy or something..."
"yeah, i'd be like 'whoa! i've grown a third leg!...(pause)...and a fourth!"....(pause then me, doug, and ian start rolling on the ground, laughing our asses off, losing our breaths while sheena is off wondering what the hell we are laughing about...)
my new moneymaking scheme...
"hey, they should put strip clubs along the I5 for truck drivers and people like us who need some distractions..."
12. the nasty ass shit we smuggled back from a canadian liquor store called Vex cause Smirnoff Ice was all sold out. we were suckers for thinking "hey, this stuff is only 50 cents more but you get two more bottles." what the hell is Vex? stupid Canadian alcohol.
13. my inability to drive on city streets.
14. douglas coupland's book
City of Glass. wonderful guide to vancouver.
there's more but i really can't remember. sort of a shame really but it also makes the entire experience wonderful in a way...
Saturday, June 15, 2002
finally, i'm getting out of riverside again. i've calculated that i can only stand riverside for three weeks at most. and that's if i get to see people too. after a while, i get really really bored. not just bored, really really bored. parents become annoying again. etc etc. but now it's time to leave. going on a roadtrip with doug and other people who i hardly know. but it'll be good to drive. it's therapy. which i need desperately. i figure i won't be updating for a while (yeah right, i'll probably find some way to obtain access to the internet in the middle of a forest) so comment away. perhaps i'll post pictures of sea lion orgies along the coast of california.
Thursday, June 13, 2002
why am i happy? because i'm listening to a pre-release of the new queens of the stone age album - songs for the deaf. i know most of you have never heard of them but they rule. and dave grohl drums on the album. damn straight.
looking at the people around my age, i'm thinking "man, we're all horny as fuck." and if someone says something to the contrary, they're lying. the problem is that most of us can't fulfill those desires. so we end up doing other things to distract us. like studying like madmen or working our asses off. sometimes there are substitutes like video games. but those are quite temporary. some decide that those are perfect substitutes. they're definitely easier. others get some and it becomes an addiction. like drugs and alcohol. the distractions become irrelevant. where am i going with this? i dunno (applies to 99% of this blog).
this album kicks ass. i think i'm in love.
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
i've been up for a few hours after taking one of those kinds of naps where you sleep for a long time but your brain is in a state of unrest the entire time. i blame it on the heat.
there was this bad, depressing karma going around tonight. part of it was my fault actually. i sent doug this yahoo! news
article which talked about how guys only take breakups badly if they're the dumpee. word. that lead to talking about examples of such. as of today, i'm two for two in the dumpee department. i guess that explains a lot.
this led to people we knew in middle school (specifically people he had dated in middle school) and some of the depressing stories we've heard about people from back then. i don't want to use names here, it doesn't seem right. death is one of those things that i've never been comfortable talking about because i've never had anyony really close to me die. and ya know what? i've never been to a funeral or a wedding. people look at me funny when i tell them that. i've still got a few years to explore the fundamentals of life. anyway, it just felt really somber tonight. the relative quiet in the house. the warmth of the night. me feeling really lethargic. bill's latest update about a girl who he hasn't spoken to in a year. people graduating tomorrow, which is a happy and sad event simultaneously. friends of mine taking finals. definitely some dark energy in the universe right now. i hope it goes away soon.
Sunday, June 09, 2002
fear and apathy. that is why.
"Being alone here now, all of my old fears are erupting--the fears that I thought I had conquered forever by getting married: fear of loneliness; fear that being in and out of love too many times itself makes you harder to love; fear that I would never experience real love; fear that someone would fall in love with me, get extremely close, learn everything about me and then pull the plug; fear that love is only important up until a certain point, after which everything is negotiable."
Life After God
Saturday, June 08, 2002
i'm not funny by nature so i'll put up these funny AIM quotes:
college life blah blah...
FootPrintX: i should've gone to berkeley.
fireloong: but you didn't get in
FootPrintX: oh yeah.
FootPrintX: that's right.
FootPrintX: i should've gone to L.A.
talking about the white stripes...
FootPrintX: maybe he married his sister?
FootPrintX: is that legal?
fireloong: no.
fireloong: fuck no.
FootPrintX: right.
FootPrintX: i don't think i'd mind a chinese girlfriend if she wasn't too loud.
yearbook experience...i heard the weirdest stuff come out of females' mouths
fireloong: i heard..."oh and so and about small..."
fireloong: (insert gross out)
Gea Dawg: ?
Gea Dawg: I'm confused.
fireloong: females...
Gea Dawg: small genitalia?
fireloong: no, small ears
fireloong: wtf do you think she was talking about?
Thursday, June 06, 2002
i read today on
wired that berkeley's school of journalism is going to teach about blogging next semester. as a person who maintains a blog, what do i think? well, i think it's a really stupid idea. the stuff i post on my blog and the stuff that other people post on their blogs is mostly mindless drivel (sp?). pure crap. that's right, i called the stuff that i post on this site CRAP. the only thing that makes it special is that it's MY CRAP. damn straight. blog this, blog that. it's a word that's hyped way too much unfortunately and when that happens, its meaning becomes diluted. a blog is a personal journal--not a source of news. perhaps that might change in the future but for now, no. the only reason this blog is up is because of bored and that i wanted a place to keep all the links i visit. and to post random crap to relieve the excess thoughts in my head. phew.
quote of the day:
"hmmm, the internet king. perhaps he can provide me with faster nudity." -- comic book store owner from
The Simpsons
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
they look like they go together...
...they don't
charlize theron went from super hot to mega hot...or giga hot...or perhaps peta hot? (yeah, who's a geek?) actually, uber-hot. nicole kidman, well, she looks like a dog.
jennifer garner looks like she could kick my ass (actually, that's for certain) and your ass too.
that's fuckin' scary. who left mandy moore on the grill for too long?
funny moment:
FootPrintX (9:57:50 AM): i should've gone to berkeley.
fireloong (9:57:57 AM): but you didn't get in
FootPrintX (9:58:02 AM): oh yeah.
FootPrintX (9:58:04 AM): that's right.
FootPrintX (9:58:08 AM): i should've gone to L.A.
so as i was sitting on the driveway with my pepsi, kicking it with my cat, and looking at the view beneath my house, i noticed a few things. the sun was setting behind a thick haze that either smog, fog, or perhaps both. i watched the ice cream truck play its familiar theme as it drove by my house. a slight breeze kept everything nice and cool. my black cat's hair has a tint of brown from laying out in the sun so much. i wondered if cats could contract skin cancer and was worried about my cat but then i realized i was thinking silly thoughts. and while these things were going on, i thought about how wonderful life can be on this tiny little planet in an ocean of stars. i also thought how blind humans can be to this beauty. instead of enjoying this beauty together, much of humanity wants to blow each other up. i wanted to take all those people and have them stare at the sunset through my eyes and tell them "hey, isn't this what all of you want? to enjoy a beautiful sunset?"
just something to think about.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
looking at myself, my brother, and a lot of my friends, i got to thinking how screwed up in the head most of us our dealing with the opposite sex. it's like we never got the basic training for it. then again, who does? but the thing is that a lot of our parents were never really intimate with each other and with their children. i could narrow this down to an asian thing (hell, it's mostly true) but this applies to everyone in a similar position. i could never ask my mom or dad about relationship advice, i'd feel really really weird. the same sort of weird/disgust you get when you look at aphex twin's cover art for windowlicker. but i know plenty of people who can talk about what not with their parents. i envy them for that. instead of trying to figure out things for ourselves, we decided to put those desires on the backburner and bury ourselves in work and/or school. then all of a sudden you feel the need to fulfill those feelings but realize that you're behind in the game. while everyone else is making home runs, you're learning how to swing the bat. why do we do this to ourselves? it's painful to watch. i wish i had dealt with my fears earlier on instead of escaping into the familiar. but now what's done is done.
i'm sounding depressing as hell. i need
Life After God right now. i should have never written this update. but i'm too lazy to hold down backspace.
Sunday, June 02, 2002
(update) realized i need to spice up this website. so i'll put up this picture of winona ryder touching her own boobs. if that doesn't suit your fancy, there's also a picture of adam sandler touching winona ryder's boobs.
i wonder what i did before to pass the time in riverside. i mean, it's so boring right now. it's 11:30 and everyone in the house is asleep. the internet is interesting after oh so long. then i remembered what i did before. i was either running, doing yearbook, working on school stuff, or going on the internet. that's it. no social life. it was an existence that allowed me to do quite well in school but totally ruined my social skills. the funny little trade-offs in life. anyone have a suggestion to pass the time in riverside?
i helpd my dad install a garbage disposal today. it sucked. i never want to be a plumber.
go lakers. i hope that motivates anti-laker fans to comment how much the lakers/lakers fans suck. bring it on.
10 things i'd like to get around to:
1) organize my mp3 collection
2) work out and galvanize my body. or at least get a six pack.
3) buy all the cool stuff at Giant Robot that i want but will never be able to afford
4) dress better. trying to be cool patrick says "no more free t-shirts!" nerd patrick says "but i like the free t-shirts." cool patrick says "shut up nerd patrick."
5) establish a relationship
6) fix any computer problem in 10 minutes or less or your money back
7) fix my laugh
8) be able to say cool witty things on the spot instead of 5 minutes later
9) visit the Koln Cathedral in Germany
10) own your ass
Saturday, June 01, 2002
i was thinking in the shower after taking a poo (patty poo) how ugly poo looks. it's brown and nasty looking. i think that in the future, the japanese (cause it's always the japanese) will genetically engineer people to poo cute little colorful spheres. in appropriately japanese colors like pink, neon green, ocean blue, orange, yellow, etc. and for an extra $10, you can poo designs of hello-kitty. harold said he always imagined that the japanese would make it so that people would poo dice. i looked at him weird. he said "it's more efficient!" yeah. right. that's fucked up. then again, they made square watermelons. hmm.
i've noticed that in pretty much everything i do online, i write in lowercase. IMs, this blog, whatever. why is that? i always reasoned that it was because i was too lazy to press shift. i think back in the day i wrote in proper case but i got lazy. sort of the internet equivalent of linguistic laziness. and the thing is that everyone else does it too. are we all lazy or is it something people picked up? the only person i know who consistently capitalizes is Pam. everyone else, lowercase. perhaps we are all subconsciously thinking that typing in proper case is too pretentious and haughty. lowercase puts everyone on the same level. "Ooh, look at me. I write in proper case. Hellz yeah!" what about ALL CAPITALS? well, that's just ugly looking and makes you look like a five year old. i mean, there's nothing wrong with typing in proper case but i'm just wondering if there's more to it than just laziness. or is it because communication on the internet is closer to speech and not to written text? think about it. when we talk, there's absolutely no emphasis on the first letter of all our sentences. so to capitalize the first letter seems futile. i'm ranting, yes? well, who gives a shit. whenever i look at blogs with proper case, the capitalized letters hurt my eyes. is it a visual thing too? Attack Of The Capitals. eh, we're all just lazy mofos.
stuffed with good chinese food that i didn't have to pay for. that's always a plus--being fed that is. drove around riverside with harold looking for something remotely interesting. found usual. there were several cute chicks at the boba place (i don't drink boba though). but i had no chance with any of them because of my free AMD t-shirt. that and other things.
went to walmart. it's like white trash galore over there. it feels so creepy over there.
i took pictures of fruit but that update will have to wait.
i spent a good chunk of today absorbing random, useless info about celebrities. today it was winona ryder, al pacino, robin williams, the olsen twins, and various child actors. did you know that al pacino was considered for the role of han solo? i tried contemplating a parallel universe where al pacino was han solo. would star wars have been a flop? alternate realities are always fun to contemplate. stuff like "what if kurt cobain hadn't committed suicide? would grunge have lived longer? what sort of songs would he have written?" or "what if macs dominated the pc market? would i have a better job? would we have mac os XXX?" weird shit like that goes through my head all the time. but i don't contemplate starting a cult like harold. that's weird.
if i could, i would major in pop culture. really.
05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002
06/01/2002 - 07/01/2002
07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002
08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002
09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002
10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002
11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003
01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003
02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003
03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004