
Boredom drove me to do this.

Thursday, January 09, 2003

i've been told that my blog is, like the rest of the internet, degenerating into an archive of softcore porn. i'd like to comment on that and say that the internet is mainly full of HARDCORE porn and not SOFTCORE porn. i guess i could get rid of the weekly pictures and actually write stuff that's funny, thoughtful, entertaining, or some shit like that. or i could just write paragraphs and paragraphs about how much life sucks and blah blah blah. while i'm at it, i could also take up crocheting, wearing dresses, get a reduction in no man's land (AND I MEAN NO MAN), and change my name to "patty." well, sheeit, screw that. the more boobies, the happier you are. think about it. you see one boob and you become slightly aroused. you see two boobs and it's like "wow, there's a party in my pants!" and by the time you see twenty boobs, you're saying "holy crap! i'm growing a fourth leg!" yup.
besides, my life ain't interesting so i live vicariously through others. all i ever do is hang around with my giant cock.

see? told ya it was big

even drugged out humanities students at ucsd are putting up graffiti on the walls about my giant cock.

the critics agree that...

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