Boredom drove me to do this.
Monday, April 28, 2003
moved over to an ocf account and using moveable type now. so...
goodbye blogspot.
Saturday, April 26, 2003
dear jon, thank for you the mess you left on my toilet.
CORRECTION: dear jon, thank YOU FOR the mess you left on my toilet.
Friday, April 25, 2003
fell in love with a girl. then she kicked me in the balls and said "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" no longer in love with the girl.
drink yourself silly and you will be fine.
Saturday, April 19, 2003
whether it's a bottle of heineken, a can of coke, or a cup of tea, i feel like i could figure the world out with a drink in my hand.
Friday, April 18, 2003
does the bunny in the photo give it an easter theme?
since jon is driving to seattle, it reminded me of this one time me and doug were going to drive to this chick's house because i liked her at the time and we had nothing else better to do. but we got sidetracked at erin christmas' house. so we never got around to driving the hour or so to the chick's house. worked out for the better anyway, she was a bitch.
jon just drove off to seattle. i would have gone with him except i have a take home midterm due on monday. but one thing's for sure, jon's one crazy motherfucker.
Thursday, April 17, 2003
got a better computer at work. installed os x on it. i'm going to join the future.
fixed my dvd-rom. damn you misaligned laser.
burned a billion CDs and now i have 16gb free on my 120gb hard drive.
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
Monday, April 14, 2003
Ben Affleck has bought fiancee Jennifer Lopez a $105,000 gem-studded toilet seat.
The pop diva's new loo is encrusted with rubies, sapphires, pearls and a diamond.
A source tells British newspaper the Daily Star, "The stones are set inside the plastic, so Jennifer's behind won't get scratched."
Affleck, who is expected to marry his belle later this year, designed the seat himself.
He told a friend, "Jennifer is my princess and she deserves only the best -- even when it comes to toilets."
madpeirrot: i thiought he was with paltrow
jon lives under a rock AND porks sheep. but let's just keep that to ourselves.
Saturday, April 12, 2003
just showered and i feel fantastic. why? because i just cleansed the sweat of a billion people plus my own. nothing like a rock concert to make you feel ALIVE.
highlights of the foo fighters concert:
- being in the middle of a massive human crush. neat and all but sucks when you realize that you need to breathe.
- crowdsurfers knocking my glasses off several times. perhaps i should move somewhere else.
- some random chick using my sleeve to wipe the sweat off her face. she tried to be discreet about it but i caught her. i stared at her, she looked guilty, then i laughed and smiled because i was thinking "eh, like i care."
- jon moshed. he got several bruises. sucks to be him. so don't touch him or he might bleed.
- the foo fighters. fucking awesome.
- they threw out guitar picks and i grabbed one. i rule.
Friday, April 11, 2003
school is the bitch that rapes you in the night...
Thursday, April 10, 2003
i helped doug with math today. he is a theatre major. i am a cogsci major. there's something wrong with that.
i bought tickets for the foo fighters show on friday at full price. turns out they're really cheap on ebay now. oh well, i'm a big fan. jon, on the other hand, bought them for full price recently. sucks to be him. but i shouldn't make fun of him. he has a car and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. ok, i lied. he really has a truck.
bill rules. he's going to replace my copy of gr28 that's mia in china. i hope that someone will pick it up and learn the ways of giant robot.
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
how do i go about looking for a song by a group called "bang gang"?
my dad called me to say that the power supply on his computer died so he had to pay some guy to install a new one. i don't know why he called me. i should call my parents more. especially my mom. i think i'll do that.
haven't been sleeping very well recently. jet lag? daylight savings time? the cold i had? worrying about the future? that damn bird who keeps chirping at 4am? probably all of the above. but everytime i wake up in the middle of the night, i'm thinking "what am i going to do?" then i toss and turn until the sun shines bright.
i thought about going to grad school. then i read this career center webpage "Are you prepared to spend the majority of the next 2-7 years studying while living in near poverty?" i answered no. guess that tells you what i think about grad school. i want to leave but not.
a friend told me how she wanted to go somewhere to where no one knows her and start over. that sounds appealing right about now.
classes are boring. i keep thinking "what's the point?" whatever happened to that sense of wonder you got in kindergarten when you learned that mixing blue and yellow paint made green? i can't remember the last time i said "WOW!"
you should listen to the new "cat power" album.
i learned that you should never sleep on your stomach. it's bad for your internal organs. how about that?
i want to go to alaska or iceland for a month in the summer to see what constant daylight feels like. it must rock to drink in a bar at 2am with tons of light outside.
i read that you shouldn't watch tv or read before you go to sleep. it leads to an overstimulated mind. so i guess i'll just stare into the dark then.
did you see that?
Sunday, April 06, 2003
damn you daylight savings. damn you for taking MY hour away from me. i was going to do all sorts of productive things in that hour like sitting around, twiddling my thumbs, and staring at the walls. now i'm going to puke my brains out. see? you've turned me into a bulimic. thanks daylight savings!
Friday, April 04, 2003
cool, i don't feel like absolute shit anymore. so i'm making up for the fruit deficiency. guess what makes her special?
anyone who's read gr28 can't answer this. which reminds me, i left my issue of gr28 on a bus in china. i hope it doesn't get sars.
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
so i'm up at 7:40am. dunno why. i'm a bit under the weather (no fever though so i don't have SARS...yet) so nyquil/dayquil does funny things to me. fun. anyway, i remember seeing this GREAT fruit pic in hong kong. it was advertising a VITAMIN C BRA. i still have no idea how those two are related. i went to the url listed on the ad - that didn't help me much since everything's in chinese and the only thing in english is "VITAMIN C BRA." thanks wacoal. a search of "wacoal" on google led to japanese sites. oh fun. but hey, they're sites of asian chicks in bras. neat!
BONUS: How to Wear a Bra in 15 Steps - for those who need the support.
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