Boredom drove me to do this.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
since i just came back from a trip to hong kong and china, it would make sense that i write a huge blog entry about it. but i'm not. after being surrounded by tons of people for a week, i'm feeling quite anti-social. more than usual. or maybe it's just me being paranoid about mysterious germs. whatever works.
Saturday, March 22, 2003
off to hong kong for spring break. i'm really looking forward to a spring break walking around with a surgical mask on. kickass.
Friday, March 21, 2003
in high school, i used to run the limit on the number of people i could have on my buddy list, which was a hundred back then but it's probably more like a million now. but how many of those people did i actually talk to on a regular basis? fifteen at most? but i kept people on my list because maybe i'd need to talk to this one person or have more profiles and away messages to check. there was no real point to it except that i COULD do it. too often, people do things not because they need to but because they can. example: "oh hey, buy one get one free. i don't need more eggs but hell, perhaps i'll need more." result: a pack of rotting eggs.
how big is my list now? 34 people. what's the point of keeping people on your list who never talk to you and you never talk to? just to read their inane profiles that mentioned some stupid story that isn't funny? "LOL! hahaha! i have the funniest story!" yeah, die. it's perverse to have people on your list that you never talk to just so that you can read their profiles.
i feel so much better now. it was so easy. delete. delete. delete. if you want to be on my buddy list, IM me bitches.
Thursday, March 20, 2003
if you think about it, there is no real difference between cult and celebrity. i once saw a giant W burned into the side of a mountain next to the chronicle pavillion before a weezer concert. if n'sync asked their fans to kill themselves, half of them would do it.
i can recite lines family guy, the simpsons, and other tv shows but i don't remember your name.
excessive use of LOL and exclamation marks makes me all stabby, angry, and disappointed in mankind.
whatever happened to the guy who played 'mr. belvedere'?
i want lightning and thunder. lots of it. i want to feel...
oh, mr. belvedere is dead. damn.
smart people aren't reproducing. the world will be overrun by idiots. or has it already started?
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
well, would you look at that,
bill poon is famous.
Doctors: Hotel May Have Link to Illness
"Investigators said Wednesday that seven of the victims, including one who died, had all stayed on or visited the same floor of the Metropole Hotel before the outbreak prompted a global alert. The discovery may be significant, because until now officials have said close personal contact is necessary to catch the illness."
so i call my dad and ask him what hote we're staying at. he says "oh, i think we're staying at the
METROPOLE or something."
yeah, we're switching hotels.
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
harold (to me):
sheena: lol, harold, you are the funniest.
sheena: man, you are so funny I want to give you a blowmanicure RIGHT NOW.
harold: thank you!
sheena: lol.
sheena: NO PROBLEM.
harold: for real?
harold: cool!
sheena: lol. if you can get up here in ten minutes, sure.
sheena: but if not, too bad.
harold: damn that stupid kryptonite
harold: can you hold that thought until the summer?
sheena: lol.
sheena: poor harold.
sheena: no, 'fraid not.
sheena: I will be too busy givin' it to somebody else, I'm afraid.
harold: what if i called it 'blowdisneyland'?
harold: you slut!
sheena: hehehehe.
fireloong: as if you believe her
harold: bitch led me on
origin of "Golden Slumbers" from
Abbey Road:
One day while Paul was visiting his father at his Cheshire home, he began playing the piano, and looked through a songbook that belonged to his step-sister, Ruth. (His father, James had remarried by this time.) In this book he came across a traditional lullaby by Thomas Dekker from the 17th century. But, as he was unable to read music, he began to make up his own melody and new lyrics, and "Golden Slumbers" was born.
Monday, March 17, 2003
women would probably give more blowjobs and handjobs if they didn't have the word "job" in them.
think about it.
drove by the elementary school near my house one time. doug asked "how old do you think that girl is?" i don't remember replying but school had just gotten out.
i am known around berkeley for having gotten a jaywalking ticket. yes, a fucking jaywalking ticket.
i once sat across from karin at the post office (karin 'i don't know how to spell her last name but doug dated her back in the day') but didn't know it was her. i hadn't seen her in years.
me and ed went to taco bell one time out of boredom. i was working on some math problem for ib higher math. i had ordered a taco. after like 5 people got their orders, i asked about mine. they had forgotten.
i dropped an issue of gear magazine behind someone's bed in the dorms. i wonder if it's still there.
i wonder what happened to that girl who played vicki the robot from 'small wonder.' i hope she didn't turn out fucked up. because that's what happens to child stars. i could imagine her in a seed bar in reno yelling in a very drunk voice "do you know who i am??! yeah! i was vicki the robot from small wonder!" then there would be silence.
i like big butts and i cannot lie.
Saturday, March 15, 2003
WHO warns of spreading 'killer pneumonia'
guess where i'm going next week? yeah, freakin' HONG KONG. crap.
Friday, March 14, 2003
man, applesauce is fucking awesome.
with the US on the verge of war, things like the role of
Superman being narrowed down to Brendan Fraser and some soap actor really shoot my day to hell.
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
iceland's oldest cat,stjarna mai, died last week. she was 19 years old. her owner said she was an aristocrat and loved music and live very much.
goodbye stjarna.
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
everyone, please use the buddy icon below:
Monday, March 10, 2003
it's like last monday's picture. but better.
Sunday, March 09, 2003
one day, i'll figure out why
harold is so messed up. keep on knocking over unhinged doors!
in the meantime, this is how the world should be.
Thursday, March 06, 2003
when you're in midterm hell, you lose touch with reality. you start eating all crappy, sleep very little, and have no idea what is going on with the rest of the world. so i was a tad disturbed yesterday morning when i was woken up by protesters marching down shattuck avenue. then they decided to test the warning sirens on campus at noon. they have a very "OH SHIT! IT'S THE APOCALYPSE! WE'RE GOING TO DIE IN MINUTES!" feel to them. and then there were more protesters who made it impossible for me to hear the last half of my linguistics lecture. as if it mattered, i was falling asleep anyway.
then i read this morning that the mall dropped the trespassing charges against the man and his son to remove their "PEACE ON EARTH" and "GIVE PEACE A CHANCE" t-shirts because it was anti-war. at first, i thought "oh goodie, they dropped the charges." seconds later, "HOW DID FUCKED UP SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!?" when did peace become a "bad" thing? when did our values become empty?
when did America turn upside down?
wow, it's been a while since i've been up at this time. freaky.
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
you're not going to read this so enjoy.
Sunday, March 02, 2003
this picture makes me want to cry. it's so fucking...fruitful. it reminds me of why i started this entire thing. i'll be posting pics from this series all week since i've got tons. her name is luana ozzetti. probably from brazil or something. why am i not at mardi gras? damn school.
05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002
06/01/2002 - 07/01/2002
07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002
08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002
09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002
10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002
11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003
01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003
02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003
03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004